Interviewer: what's your name?
Me: Yusuf, Raidah Intizar
(Interviewer -a native- stare the monitor and got the application)
Interviewer: where do you wanna go in the US?
Me: Iowa
Interviewer: tell me, are you come from the same program as the previous?
Me: Yes
Interviewer: what's your major?
Me: communication
Interviewer: when will you graduate?
Me: next year? (unsure, perhaps faster than that, but ain't going to tell)
Interviewer: what you gonna do after your graduation?
Me: continue my study
Interviewer: what will you learn?
Me: journalism
Interviewer: o, you study journalism. Okay. Tell me, how did you got selected?
Me: well, i applied, i got interviewed, and then passed. That's all.
Interviewer: good for you.
Me: indeed.
Interviewer: wait a second... (typing on his computer, rip a part of white card) your visa has been approved. (hand over some other part of white card)
Me: thank you very much.
This is how my visa interview goes. I wasn't that sure before this interview, whether i get my visa or not. But unlike other, i plan to answer all question explicitly. As i know American are very effective. Just tell them what they need to know, not what you need to talk.
When all my friends busy to arrange the perfect answer for the interview, i tend to answer just one word for each question. And the white card is the prove for the need of direct answer. Believe me, one word is enough.
So, i really am going to see... aurora borealis... and squirrels. Alhamdulillah. :)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Daddy's Daughters go Climb
I don’t really know what am i doing here, i’m just walking –it called walk when you move your foot one after another, and looking at the pebbles that scattered on the lane. My legs hurt very much, i am at the ultimate level of exhaustion. My mind at unknowingly state. I should have fainted if i continue this climb, but something force me to move forward, swing my feet even if it feels heavy and injured. I don’t know anymore. I don’t care anymore.
Thankfully we arrived at the descending lane, and my step feels much lighter than before, then i stop over the last post before the next climb. Everyone congratulate me for my success being conscious and not faint.
My mistake, i have to admit, to do random things every weekend. And this counted as one of random thing, the most random i have done: climbing the mountain!
Actually i never thought it will be this way when Ukhti Ayu first told me to escort her and some FKMKI newbies to some trip, we named it: rihla, to Parangloe. I said, o yes, i need to do this favor for my lovely sisters. All i have to do is driving her to Parangloe, helping for the outbond, eating –my favorite part, and going home. Hence, i accept to drive her there. But wait, it is totally different from what i have imagined. ***
My mistake, i have to admit, to do random things every weekend. And this counted as one of random thing, the most random i have done: climbing the mountain!
I thought i need some more rest when mas’ul (leader) of FKMKI said we need to gather and continue the climb. The next climb will be very steep. He means: real steep. Then we gather and pray before i swing my feet again.
So, as mas’ul said: it is real steep lane. I barely can say this is human lane. I was totally afraid then. When i see downhill, it look like i’m gonna be tumbled down and die. It was slippery and high. I heard some swifty sound nearby, and i see it: the waterfall!
Still, we have the climb up and down before going home. Not that i’m home, i memorize that weekend as the most precious one for me.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Alaikumaa Fillah
(Catatan Rindu untuk Kakak-kakak Tercinta)
Saya ingat dua manusia kerudung bermata empat. Khususnya wajah maklum yang sering dizahirkan pada saya. Apalagi jika melihat keongolan saya kambuh -dan akhir ini, saya semakin sering melaksanakan keongolan.Saya selalu suka menatap wajah-wajah pemakluman itu. Karena pada saat itu sepertinya mereka hanya memikirkan saya. Seperti berbicara bahwa mereka hanya mengkhawatirkan dan menyayangi saja.
Tepi kerudung mereka tak pernah nampak di mata saya, mungkin karena saya yang seringnya berlalu pergi, dan yang mengilas adalah tatap-tatap maklum yang memaklumatkan "Segera kembali adikku sayang."
Namun beginilah, akhir-akhir ini tak saya dapati lagi mata maklum dipantul lensa minus berjumlah empat itu. Belakangan, dua manusia kerudung itu berjalan di sisi yang cukup jauh dari jangkau telapak saya. Dan karena mata mereka berpaling pada hal-hal penting lain, saya seperti berpikir untuk membiarkan mereka dengan hal-hal itu. Padahal dulunya segala resah, keluh kesah saya selalu berlabuh di dermaga mata mereka. Bagai orang tua yang mengerti, dan semakin mengerti karena empati-empati yang mutlak antara kami.
Semoga telah sampai doa saya agar mereka selalu diberi kemudahan oleh Yang Maha Memudahkan. Semoga telah sampai doa saya agar mereka selalu dilindungi oleh Yang Maha Melindungi. Semoga. Semoga. Seperti doa-doa yang selalu tiba pada saya oleh gumam-gumam mereka. Seperti lazimnya keluarga yang mencinta tanpa syarat, dan dengan lazim pula senantiasa saling mendoakan.
Bismillah... saya mencintai dua manusia kerudung berkacamata itu lillahi ta'ala.
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